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We use first-party and third-party cookies and other technologies to recognize users, customize services, content and advertising, measure website effectiveness, collect information about your device to mitigate risk, prevent fraud promote trust and ensure security. What are cookies?

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Cookies are small text files that enable us, and our service provides to uniquely identify your browser or device. Cookies normally work by assigning a unique number to your device and are stored on your browser by the websites that you visit as well as third-party service providers for those website.

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By the term cookies other technologies as SDKs, pixels and local storage are to be considered. If Enabled We may recognize you as a customer which enables customized services, content and advertising, services effectiveness and device recognition for enhanced security We may improve your experience based on your previous session We can keep track of your preferences and personalize online tőzsdei kereskedés minimális befizetés nélkül We can improve the performance of Website.

If Disabled We won't be able to remember your previous sessions, that won't allow us to tailor the website according to your preferences Some features might not be available and user experience reduced without cookies Strictly necessary Strictly necessary means that essential functions of the Website can not be provided without using them. Because these cookies are essential for the properly working and secure of Website features and services, you cannot online tőzsdei kereskedés minimális befizetés nélkül of using these technologies.

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You can still block them within your browser, but it might cause the disfunction of basic website features. Setting privacy preferences Secure connection during the usage of services Filling forms Analytics and performance tracking technologies to analyze how you use the Website. Most viewed pages.

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